About us



Jenna Chrysler (09.15)2015/09/09
÷Jenna Chrysler.jpg

Going overseas to work for the first time can be a very nervous experience!  I was referred to Appletree recruiting by a friend, and I am very thankful for that.

Working with Appletree always put me at ease.  They provided constant communication, good wishes, and all of the information and instruction I needed.  They make it so much easier than it seems.  It can seem very overwhelming dealing with getting documents, applying for a visa, and finding the right location and employer for you.  Appletree recruiters see you through the whole way, even after the process is over.  Once I was here, working in Korea, I still received emails from my recruiter just to check in, ask if I was ok and how I was getting along.

I have now been working in Korea for over a year, I have started my second contract and my Appletree recruiter is still helping me out.  She helped me find my second job, and again even after beginning this new contract she has continued to help me with transferring my visa over with immigration.  

The amount of communication, assistance, and good wishes that my Appletree recruiter has provided me has far surpassed my expectations!  I would highly recommend trusting them to help you out too.  I promise you wont be disappointed!