Job Application and Process

Job Application and Process


  • 1) Applicants submit the Appletree Edu application form
  • 2) We screen and review your resume
  • 3) Appletree Edu contacts accepted applicants and provides information
  • 4) We match you with a suitable position based on factors such as prefererences and availability
  • 5) Appletree Edu carefully selects and contacts reputable schools currently hiring
  • 6) A school expresses interest and requests an interview
  • 7) We arrange phone interviews with the school and provide current foreign teachers e-mail address
  • 8) If the school is interested and makes an offer, Appletree Edu negotiates on your behalf
  • 9) You either accept or reject the offer. If you reject the offer, then Appletree Edu continues to contact other schools
  • 10) Visa process begins