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Justin Baugh2010/09/08
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I would like to say that Appletree is a fantastic recruiting company and has been so helpful, kind and honest with me and my job hunting experience.

I have been a teacher at several hagwans in Korea previously and I can tell you form personal experience that I have never dealt with a more professional organization in the hagwan industry.
Coming from a business background in the US I can tell you that it can be very different and frustrating when working in Korea as many standards in working conditions are very different from what we are used to in the US.
Appletree understands this and has been very accommodating in trying to bridge the gap.

The particular hagwan that Appletree got me a job at has been a dream job. They were very helpful in assisting the negotiation process and found me a hagwan that was exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you again Inhui and Sunny I will always remember you and how much you have helped me.
If anyone I know is looking for a job in the future I will definitely refer them to you.

JT Teacher
Justin T. Baugh