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Leah Nodar (Sep. 2011)2011/11/18

Dear Prospective Teacher,


             When I decided to come to Korea, I was excited, but I was also nervous about the lengthy process of finding the right job and moving overseas. I had heard many horror stories about bosses who didnt pay and schools with bizarre rules, and I was worried about separating the good jobs from the bad, the real offers from the scams, all from thousands of miles away. Appletree Recruiting was the answer to this problem.

             I began to pay serious attention to Appletree when I realized that they were paying serious attention to me. Most recruiters I had contacted simply sent out blast e-mails of every job they saw to every job-seeker they knew; Appletree sent me specific job offers based on what I was looking for. More importantly, the people of Appletree, especially Inhui and Rachel, quickly showed themselves to be on my side. When I asked questions, they sought answers. When I wanted changes to a contract, they worked out addendums with the school. They interceded on my behalf for higher salaries and better benefits. Some recruiters seemed ready to sell me to whatever school they could find, but Appletree worked carefully and closely with me to find an excellent school that fit with my needs and wants.

             When I finally made the move to Korea, Appletree was with me every step of the way. They arranged not only the plane tickets, but bus tickets and chauffers as well. I felt like a rock star: from the moment I left the ground to the moment I reached my new home, there were people standing by to help me. For someone used to traveling alone and dealing with transportation on the fly, it was a nice change of pace to have such a smooth ride!

             I have been in Korea for over two months now, and I am having a fantastic time. The school I work at is wonderful, a tiny red-brick building hidden in a forest of apartments and overlooked by the enormous and beautiful Ulsanbawi in the Seorak Mountains. I like my coworkers and my boss, and every day I enjoy working with our clever students. I am incredibly happy, and I am grateful to Appletree for getting me here.


Good luck on your own trip,
