About us



Thomas Arthur2011/05/30
÷Carl Thomas Arthur.jpg

Dear Prospective Teacher,

If you have never thought about working in a foreign country, you should consider your options. Teaching abroad allows you to have the opportunity to work and live in a foreign country and Appletree Recruiting will help you get there. 

I come from San Diego, California which has a relatively large international community. While making new friends from countries all over the world, especially those from Korea, I have learned how much I am missing out by not traveling and exploring the world. My Korean friends convinced me that teaching in Korea will allow me to work, earn a respectable salary and enjoy Korea at the same time. My limited exposure to Korean culture and food in the United States only increased my desire to move to Korea immediately.

 Jane, from Appletree, helped me land a position within a week or two since I contacted them and in no time I was flown to Korea. Other recruiters and schools that I contacted were slow to respond and often had bad communication. Appletree was the opposite of this. Also, I have heard many rumors about how some hagwons (private academies) treat their workers. Fortunately, Appletree filters out all of the troublesome schools and only puts you in contact with reputable academies such as the one that I am teaching in.

Appletree will take care of everything. Everything that you need to know and do will be carefully outlined and explained in detail. If you are a concerned about traveling to a new country for the first time, you dont need to be. Your transportation right up to the school that you are hired in will be taken care of. Jane has been a big help to me and settling in a new country couldnt have been easier. We are in constant communication and she is there to help me if any problems come up while I am working in my school. I have never been so satisfied.

These days I am really enjoying my experiences in Korea. Teaching can present various challenges, but overcoming these challenges has been very rewarding. I have come to know each of my students very well. I often think about my students after school, something that I never imagined I would do but with the time you spend with them it is unavoidable. Korea has undergone a lot of changes recently and the desire to speak English has grown enormously. I feel confident that my students will soon be speaking fluently.

On the weekends I get to travel around Korea. I get to sample some of its world-class cuisine, make new friends, enjoy new experiences unavailable anywhere else, and learn more about Koreas rich culture. My life in Korea is exciting. If you feel like you are up for an adventure in a new country, come to Korea and teach English. Dont hesitate to contact Appletree.


All the best,

Thomas Arthur